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December 26

This poem came across my desk today and it feels so appropriate.  This odd time between holidays and approaching the end of year feels a bit like “time out of time”.  And as the poet says, now our "irregular life begins again". May you use the waning days of the year wisely and prepare to step over yet another transom – into 2024. I invite you, as always, to think about a “Word of the Year”.  A word or an image that calls you to a clearer vision of yourself.  Some wish or purpose that can be a north star for you in the coming year.  In past years, I have used some of these words; patience, kindness, light-heartedness, peace, freedom.  It is more of an intention, not so much a “goal”, but a direction you’d like to tilt your sails toward.  Perhaps you can decorate the word in some way and place it somewhere that you will see it now and then…. And then you can ask yourself,  “am I following the path of ____________ today?”  Many blessings on endings and beginnings as our world keeps carrying us toward the light. 


The 26th Of December

A Tuesday, day of Tiw,

god of war, dawns in darkness.

The short holiday day of talking

by the fire,

floating on snowshoes among

ancient self-pollarded maples,

visiting, being visited, giving

a rain gauge, receiving red socks,

watching snow buntings nearly over

their heads in snow stab at spirtled bits

of sunflower seeds the chickadees

hold with their feet to a bough

and hack apart, scattering debris

like sloppy butchers, is over.

Irregular life begins. Telephone calls,

Google searches, evasive letters,

complicated arrangements, faxes,

second thoughts, consultations,

e-mails, solemnly given kisses.                 

- Galway Kinnell


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