As we come up on the start of a new month, I am often drawn to commit to some small thing I want to do each day that month. Writer Austin Kleon says that the real task is doing something absolutely regularly – to give yourself the challenge of not breaking the string of accomplishments. Maybe you might decide to take a walk every day, to write a haiku, to make a small sketch. Maybe you want to ride your bike daily or meditate or read one poem. Maybe you want to send an email of appreciation to a friend every day or take a nap every day. Or maybe you want to make sure you laugh once during the day. Maybe you want to play the piano or write in your journal. The thing you pick should be something you really love doing and wish you’d do it more. I want to learn more poems by heart – but I could never take on a new poem each day. Maybe I’ll commit to learning a poem by heart each week and the daily practice will be to recite it to someone each day. Or, maybe I will commit to making an entry in my visual journal each day. How about you? Feel free to post your commitments here and it would be fun to see what people are commiting to!