The Sacred Path

Authentic spiritual practice is not about maintaining high, altered states, transcending the body, bypassing difficult emotions, or healing all that remains unresolved within us. It is more grounded, real, and alive than that. Spiritual practice helps us settle into the utter simplicity of being ourselves. The healing that it engenders happens when we bring awareness to the places that have hardened in us.
~ Frank Ostaseski
What is Spiritual Direction/Spiritual Companionship?
Spiritual Direction is not really about being “directed”. Rather it is about being encouraged to draw closer to that deepest part of you that yearns for something that is sometimes unnamable. It is a journey that we undertake together to discern the ways in which your deepest life is calling to you. It may involve silence, journal writing, meditation, prayer, looking at your dreams, considering poetry or other external sources that call to your spirit. It will involve gentle conversation about what matters most to you in this moment. It is about finding deep meaning.
We long to remain connected to our deepest self, the part of us that is somehow beyond our normal thinking head and moving body. Spiritual direction can be about clearing a safe space for the “soul” to appear. How do our deep desires and our deep listening show us something of the movement in our soul?
We will meet together once a month for an hour by phone or Zoom (with or without video), where we will attempt to create a space in which both of our deepest selves will dare to show up.
I generally see people once a month for one hour. We would meet by Zoom. My fees are on a sliding scale from $50 - $100 per session.
I am an ordained Unitarian-Universalist minister. I am currently retired and have completed a two year program of training in providing spiritual direction from the Haden Institute. Additionally, I am a member of the UU Spiritual Directors Network and of Spiritual Directors International.
If you would like to explore more about this, feel free to contact me.