So, this morning the sun rose one minute earlier than yesterday. Inch by inch, the light returns – as it always does. Aren’t we lucky? I hosted a solstice celebration last night where we sat in the dark for an extended period of silence and then listened to a piece of music – before slowly relighting our candles. We pondered what light we can offer the world in the coming year and what light we most need for ourselves in the coming year. We also tried to focus on our connection to the cosmos by dancing with earth objects – feather, stone, pinecone, shell. It’s so easy to forget that we are actually made of stardust – I had a friend who always signed her letters. “Stella Debris”. We also held our earth objects and asked what prayer they had to give us. If you are so inclined in these new days of increasing light, I invite you to ask those same questions. Perhaps to go on a walk at sunrise and see what you notice on the earth. To listen for a word that reminds you , you are connected to this glorious earth and sky.
Solstice arrives again
precisely on schedule,
tilts us faithfully
toward the light.
We could stop
our own whirling
to see where
our orbits take us,
to notice what
we long for
and lean towards
on this longest night.
To remember
that we are carried
in our journey
through the heavens,
to whisper
a prayer
to the stars
to this sweet earth.
~Penny Hackett-Evans