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  • Writer's pictureevansph2

Updated: Oct 17, 2023

As UUs when someone asks whether or not we believe in God, we mostly begin to do a wild dance on the top of that pin…. Well, what do you mean by “believe in?” “What do you mean by “God”?

There is. a Japanese tradition called “mu”. When asked a question where a yes or no answer would be incomplete, you simply respond with “Mu”. When a question is too small for the truth of a simple response, you would simply reply “Mu”. What is the question behind the question? Well ,in western society I think that response would get you quicly dispatched to the edge of the conversation! And eyes rolling and muttering behind hands might accompany that! So, I’m not suggesting it as an answer for us to employ. But there are so many questions that don’t lend themselves to a yes or no response. If there is only one possible answer, then maybe it’s the wrong question…

Instead of asking do you believe in god, I might ask you to tell me what sustains you in difficult times or what makes your heart sing or what causes a catch in your throat. I might want to know what brings you deep peace or where do you turn when there is nowhere to turn? What makes you tear up? Where do you find solace?

As UUs we know that there are many answers to our difficult religious questions. And our task is to live into the midst of that not knowing, not having one simple answer, living in ambiguity and even confusion. Refusing to be pinned down to an answer that is not wholly true, we affirm the search for truth – even when it eludes us. But we refuse to give into answers that just don’t fit.

I am reminded of a friend who bought a long-sleeved shirt at the church rummage sale. When she tried it on at home, it just didn’t fit right, and she began to berate herself for not having the perfect body. “What's wrong with my body?” Her husband, who is a similar size to her then tried on the shirt – which also did not fit him right. His reply was “What’s wrong with this shirt”!!

Sometimes we have to search for the right question more than the right answer!

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  • Writer's pictureevansph2

Updated: Oct 2, 2023

I sit here scratching at several mosquito bites I have. Very annoying, distracting. And I think of the Buddhist concept of impermanence. Grateful to know that mosquito bites are impermanent. And then I think of a dear friend who died recently. Much harder to be grateful for impermanence there. And yet, of course, permanence would be another sort of curse. This seems to be a common theme in my thinking of late. Trying to grasp the idea of impermanence, I realize that there is nothing that I can name that is not impermanent. Hunger, pain, sorrow, joy, the seasons, sunlight, my cup of tea, my life.

I listened to a meditation podcast on impermanence this morning. The guide listed item after item to be aware of and then called our awareness to its impermanence. Our own body, all of humanity, all governments, the planet earth. And then he ended with the surprising call to the truth of impermanence of all things, and how that creates hope! It took me by surprise at first – but then I began to smile as I realized that is correct. If nothing is permanent everything is possible. An odd paradox.

If you’d like to listen to this guided meditation from the Plum Village website, you can click on it HERE.

May you have a peaceful week (Ha! Ha! My computer just changed my typing of week, to weak… hmmmm). Well, may your week be peaceful and may you also find peace in your times of weakness!!

A Small Truth

The small creek

plays tag with itself,

plays hide and seek,

plays hopscotch.

It doesn’t reflect

my face back to me.

It just runs on

in its marathon

to the sea.

It doesn’t wait

for the right time.

The right time

is now.

It does whisper

this small truth…

You must move on.

~Penny Hackett-Evans

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  • Writer's pictureevansph2

Like the earth

we are ever tilting

away and toward


There is never in life

a permanent equilibrium.

but there are


when things seem

to be as we wish.

our task this equinox...

to notice where we are

on this ever-tilting orbit.

What balances us?

Towards what are we spinning?

How loosely can we hold


~Penny Hackett-Evans

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