The Sacred Path

Welcome to the Sacred Path
Welcome! I’m glad you’ve stopped by. This space is dedicated to assisting you in finding one or many of your own sacred paths.
You will notice the many invitations across the top of this home page. Please open these doors that will provide tools for clearing your own path.
If you are interested in having one on one spiritual direction with me, click here for more information.
Rev. Penny Hackett-Evans

My Prayer for this Space
May this be a place of possibility,
a place where any of us might say “what if I ….”
A place where options are offered,
a box full of new crayons, waiting to be used.
A place for reflection, silence, stillness and movement.
May this be a place where your heart can open,
where we each dare to name what we long for.
May it be a place of holy rest and also holy daring.
In the name of all longing… May it be so.